How to Create a Product Landing Page for a Website



Want to know how to create the perfect product landing page for your website? Here are some best practices to follow when designing your next product landing page.

With online advertisements and SEO at the forefront of every digital marketer‘s mind, we know how important it is to optimize the customer journey from beginning to end. 

After the initial outreach and promotion, your customers will reach your product landing page. This page must quickly communicate your business’ offerings before the customer loses interest. If your landing page, and your landing page template, aren’t clear, well-structured, compelling, and straight to the point, your online advertising efforts will fall flat.

Luckily, a perfect product landing page is something that you can achieve today. To help your marketing campaigns hit their true potential, we’ve put together this end-to-end guide on creating the perfect product landing page for your brand. 

Here are our top actionable insights to boost your conversions today.

What Is a Product Landing Page?

A product landing page is a page you’d typically build to drive traffic from your marketing channels and promote your product or service. Landing pages can help drive email, display, social media, and referral traffic. You can use product landing pages to announce a new product offering, provide context for prospective buyers, and convert those considering buying your product into customers.

What’s the Difference Between a Homepage and a Landing Page?


How is it different from a homepage? A typical homepage will house company information, build consumer trust, and encourage engagement with your brand. However, your website homepage isn’t necessarily designed to convert – and this is where a landing page comes in.

What Should You Include in a Product Landing Page?

Your landing page is designed with one specific goal- to convert your website’s visitors into clients or leads.

These days, product landing pages are taking on more, if not most, of the responsibility to educate, convert, and onboard new customers. Using landing pages on your website will help you significantly improve lead generation and make it easy to generate sales directly from your online advertisements. 

Every great product landing page is composed of a few fundamental building blocks, and while we all want to go against the grain sometimes, you should always include these core elements: 

    • Hero section: Like your parents always said, first impressions matter and your hero section is what users will see above the fold of your website. It should contain the most crucial header, the most impressive image, a sub-headline that expands the main headline, and a call to action (CTA).  
    • Features and benefits: Your product landing page should win over your visitors, which means it needs supporting copy to persuade people. The key here is to describe both the benefits and the features. 
    • About you: People respond to personal connection, so include something that makes you stand out from the crowd. You're About You page could be more personal or expand on your unique selling proposition (USP).
    • Testimonials: People are naturally skeptical about companies they’ve never heard of. But paradoxically, 85% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, which means you can build trust in your brand by showing potential clients honest feedback from existing customers.
    • Guarantee: Just like third-party social proofs tell visitors to trust you, so do warranties and privacy & return policies. Many people are afraid of what businesses will do with their private information. 
    • Call to action: your page should focus on just one conversion point – or call to action. Your CTA could be in the form of a standalone button, a click-through page, or a form. 

    Your product landing page is where your digital marketing or SEO-related efforts will direct users. Here are some landing page examples explicitly designed to sell products.

    How to Create a Product Landing Page

    1. Keep It Relevant And Interesting

    The primary purpose of a product landing page is to convert your leads into sales. One way to achieve this is to attract and keep your readers’ attention will your landing page content. Ensure all headings are relevant, interesting, and engaging. Your titles should capture readers’ attention while creating a sense of urgency to take action. Here are some things to keep in mind:

    Use Humor

    Although you should exclude irrelevant information, your headings shouldn’t take themselves too seriously. Make a little room for humor, and make your copy as casual and accessible as possible (within the limitations of your brand guidelines, of course). Remember, a product landing page is not an academic paper; it should be engaging, inspiring, and motivational.

    Take a Conversational Tone

    People don’t want to be told what to do when browsing a website. Instead, aim to use a relaxed, conversational tone – just like talking to a friend. 

    Incorporate relevant adjectives while communicating the purpose and value of your product. Explain why your audience should be interested in it and how they’ll benefit if they purchase what you’re offering. 

    Generate an Emotional Response

    While we all like to think we’re rational human beings, much of our decision-making is based on emotions. While we’d like to think we make most decisions based on facts, more often than not, we don’t. Emotions can fuel and trigger the purchase process. Without considering emotion, you might lose sales.

    Personalize the Customer Experience
    When building a customer-centric product, it’s crucial to consider customer satisfaction. A satisfied user will connect emotionally to your product and be likelier to promote and buy your product. Maintaining higher customer satisfaction is essential for decreasing churn rate, improving your ROI, and boosting your sales goal.

    Personalization is also essential 

    When building a customer-centric product, it’s crucial to consider customer satisfaction. A satisfied user will connect emotionally to your product and be likelier to promote and buy your product. Maintaining higher customer satisfaction is essential for decreasing churn rate, improving your ROI, and boosting your sales goal.

    for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty, creating sales, and staying relevant to the customer. Research shows that companies who create personalized experiences grow revenue by 6-10% – 3X faster than those who don’t. 

    Ecommerce personalization aims to replicate the one-to-one experience by crafting behavioral triggers and contextual data into marketing messages. For example, you could include geo-targeting to headers and subheaders.

    The main heading is “We save you serious ___”, where the blank space is replaced with the words’ time’, ‘money’, and ‘stress’. This captures HelloFresh’s core promise to its customers while also keeping it attention-grabbing by leaving a follow-up question in our minds: “How?”


    2. Include Multimedia

    Visual content plays a crucial role in engaging your audience and potential customers. Include diverse media content, such as video and imagery to complement the information you’re providing. Studies show that conversions increase by 86% when a landing page has a video. 

    If you’re selling products, your potential buyers will want to see what they’re considering buying. A product landing page should include pictures of your product or a service demo. 

    Product videos differ significantly between industry and product types. A video for a pair of hiking boots isn’t going to look the same as a video for a new smartphone or luxury car. But for customers, the images, videos, and other multimedia assets you provide offer an alternative if they cannot walk into a physical store to inspect the product themselves.

    How to Include Multimedia Assets on Your Product Landing Page

      • Eye-catching visuals: If you aim to trigger impulse-buying behaviors, you’ll need your prospective customers to see eye-catching visuals within seconds of reaching the landing page. 
      • Media embedded in the form: You can embed a video to help illustrate your product and its value. You can embed your video in a form, a standalone player, or alongside your images.
      • Explainer videos: This video type helps customers connect with your products by explaining features in more detail and the story behind your product.
      • Animated product overviews: You can use this format in various ways to provide context, from FAQs to pricing overviews.
      • Video Testimonials: Video testimonials are a great video marketing tool. People are naturally skeptical about companies they’ve never heard of. You can build trust in your brand by showing potential clients honest feedback from existing customers. The single most impactful form of marketing is word-of-mouth endorsements from happy customers.

      3. Always Have A Call-To-Action

      Having a clear, logical call to action after the introduction of your product is essential for generating leads to your product landing page. Here are some different types of prompts you can try to create a compelling call to action.

      • Sign up: Here, you can invite your reader to sign up for a free trial, future event, an online course, etc., depending on your offer.
      • Join us: This is ideal for those managing an online community or a product created in collaboration with more than one user.
      • Subscribe: This is probably the most commonly used call-to-action. Although it doesn’t necessarily commit the reader to make a purchase, it invites them to receive regular updates from you. It’s ideal if you’re trying to develop an audience.
      • Learn more: If your landing page doesn’t have all the information you want to provide, you can invite your visitors to access further details with this call-to-action.
      • Try for free: Most company websites offer free trials for an excellent reason – it builds trust in your product and boosts sales. Enable potential clients to demo or try your product before buying with this effective call-to-action.
      • Get started: From a virtual experience to a free trial, this call-to-action can cover or drive several behaviors.

      TIP: incorporate the scarcity principle into your CTA and leverage product demand to increase your conversion rate. For example, “Buy one now. There are only four items left!” Just make sure to avoid fake scarcity, which is duplicitous and can often backfire. 

      How Disney+ Uses Call-to-Action on Landing Pages

      Here is an example from Disney+, which features two call-to-actions side-by-side to contrast the subscription service’s distinctive price points. After quick arithmetic, the viewer realizes that they will save two months if they accept the 12-month subscription:

      4. Run Promotions

      We have already mentioned the importance of using free trials to drive sales. Promotions, done at the correct times, are an effective way of promoting sales with your product landing page. The type of promotion varies from product to product, so it’s hard to generalize a single method that will help boost sales, improve customer retention or boost traffic to the page. 

      An in-depth understanding of your product, target audience, and the marketplace is necessary to determine the proper methods for your business. Here are a few types of promotions that you could include on your product page: 

      • Re-sales for replenishment: It’s common for eCommerce websites to find themselves in a one-product purchase arena – your dream customer buys a product from your website and loves it. Still, you don’t give them a compelling reason to return and buy again. You could add a subscription model to your landing page to incentivize repeat purchases.
      • Multi-purchase deals: By offering customers a discount if they purchase multiple products, you increase the likelihood of purchase based on the psychology of improving the cost vs. benefit ratio
      • Cross-sells: A cross-sell is when you strategically position a product alongside a customer’s development in their shopping cart to improve the likelihood of an extra sale. E.g., popcorn for a popcorn maker. 
      • Limited-time coupons or discounts: Urgency is a powerful psychological marketing tactic that can accelerate a customer’s purchase time. 

      There are various ways to do this, from creating a separate promotional landing page, using an exit pop-up, or adding them to a subscribers list. However, the strategy (and structure) is straightforward: The client should do B to receive A.

      Scheduling and adequately timing your promotion can make all the difference to your KPIs. You must present it at the right time to optimize your audience engagement. You can take advantage of holidays or events like Black Friday sales to launch your promotions.

      5. Less Is More

      What you don’t want to do is distract visitors to your product landing page with overwhelming visuals. Use simple yet effective layouts and aim to create a simple user experience.

      Although there is a time for maximalism in design, which can be engaging, alluring, and bold, you need to take care not to use too many contrasting colors, fonts, or textures. Too much on a page can easily distract customers from absorbing the key messages about your product. 

      Plus, the ease with which readers can execute commands on your landing page can affect your churn rate too. Try not to hinder customers with too many pop-ups or harmful UX elements.

      Three key factors will affect the user experience of your landing page: 

      1. Colors

      When designing or creating your landing page, think about the user, and ensure that they wouldn’t need to increase or decrease their screen brightness to view your page.

      2. Responsive Design

      Many users will access your landing page via a smartphone; your page, therefore, needs to be compatible with smartphone screens and not just desktop devices. It should be mobile-friendly (we’ll talk more about this later). 

      3. Common Distractions

      We have already mentioned how too many pop-ups can distract your visitor and negatively affect a potential sale. Your layouts should be straightforward so they don’t distract the user.

      How OkCupid Gets Results with Minimal Landing Page Design

      OKCupid’s landing page features a modern, fresh look using a bright one-tone palette, a lot of white space, and minimal visual objects, resulting in a fun–and easy–user experience.

      6. Optimize Across Platforms

      As we mentioned earlier, you need to optimize layouts so that the landing page can be easily accessed and used through different browsers and devices such as smartphones and tablets. Regarding smartphones, consider that many people like to browse with one hand and want to make simple executions with the tip of their thumb.

      To make your landing page accessible across platforms, you can take the time to create a separate mobile landing page for mobile devices with smaller screens. Make the buttons large and wide; this makes them easy to click, no matter which digits the potential customer is using.

      You can also add a click-to-scroll feature to make reaching the top or bottom of the page more accessible. Go easy on the videos and visuals while ensuring you craft clear copy. Due to the space restrictions on mobile, you shouldn’t feel the need to add every bit of detail available on the. Instead, keep your information short, focused, and concise. Use single-column layouts for mobile screens, and make navigation more accessible by using sticky headers and footers.

      SEO Copywriting Best Practices

      Figuring out what you want to write is hard enough, but writing to rank on Google is another ball game. Successful SEO copywriters should consider what the users want and how the search engine works and have a focus keyword–or keywords–in mind before writing. If you do this, you’ll have a better chance of reaching your target audience.

      What Is SEO Copywriting? 

      SEO copywriting is the process of creating content to rank in search engines for relevant keywords. The process should be applied to your entire website but involves individual strategic planning for each page. 

      The most important thing to remember is to create content always with the user in mind. However, there are a few strategic things you can do to help master the art of copywriting and boost that excellent content:

      • Choose a realistic keyword goal: Before you start writing, you need to have one keyword target in mind. You might be tempted to choose keywords with the highest volume, but those keywords are often very competitive. We recommend, especially if you are a website with less authority, to aim for keywords with difficulty between 0-30. These are what we call ‘quick wins.
      • Analyze the top-ranking content: At the end of the day, you want to be ranking on page 1. Before you start writing, look at the content already there and ask yourselves a few questions – how long is it? What do they all include? How are they structured? Use this as a basis to improve on them to make even better content. 
      • Understand and write for search intent: Narrow your search intent into four categories – navigational, informational, transactional, and commercial. The search intent of your keyword determines what type of content you create. For example, keywords like “best landing page templates” would mean you’d likely write a listicle, blog post, or other resource-driven content.
      • Outline your structure: This idea is to determine the overall topic, subtopics, heading, and key points you want to include. If you structure it correctly, your keywords will have prominent positions in these structural components.
      • Prioritize quality over everything else. You want to write with the reader in mind and not for the search engine – don’t try to stuff keywords. You want to be comprehensive, and original, and showcase your authority. 
      • Explore your topic in-depth: While content length is not a ranking factor, the more in-depth your article, the more likely you will rank. That doesn’t mean writing 3,000 words when you could communicate your message in 1,500 – quality over quantity.
      • Write for passage ranking: Passage ranking is where google indexes specific passages of content that often shows up in People Also Ask and Featured Snippets. You can optimize your writing for passage ranking by using strategic headings and subheadings to break up your copy.

      Start Creating Product Landing Pages

      Your perfect product landing page is totally within reach. When creating your next product landing page, consider every element – from its contents to the overall look and feel. 

      A successful landing page is one that immediately grabs the attention of the viewer and holds it. Although we emphasize these tips to help you kickstart your page, it’s essential to experiment and test different landing page options with actual users. Have two or three versions with small design or content tweaks, and measure which page invites the most click-throughs or conversions. Start your landing page journey with our pick of the best landing page templates.

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